
The Scout Section is the third section in the Scout Group, above Beavers and Cubs, and is for young people, usually aged between 10½ and 14 years.


Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their programme. Participation rather than meeting set standards is the key approach, and for the Scout who wants to be recognised for his or her achievements there are a number of Challenge awards and activity badges.

Balanced Programme

Scouts take part in a Balanced Programme that helps them to find out about the world in which they live, encourages them to know their own abilities and the importance of keeping fit, and helps develop their creative talents. It also provides opportunities to explore their own values and personal attitudes.

Being outdoors is important, and half the programme is given over to taking part in traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking, as well as a wider spectrum of adventurous activities, from abseiling to zorbing.


A Scout Troop is divided into small groups called Patrols, each headed up by an older Scout called a Patrol Leader, and often with an Assistant Patrol Leader.

Scouting is about being with friends, as part of a team, and participating fully in the adventure and opportunities of life.

News & Blogs

At the start Scouting was nothing more than just a weekly club, but after I went to Kandersteg with Caludon District my eyes have been opened. I now realise I get so many opportunities I never would have got if I wasn’t in Scouting. I have made so many friendships, it’s the kind of atmosphere where you know when you make a friend you will stick by them forever.

I feel like I won’t know myself without scouting, it has just been such a big part of my life that I never realised. You are part of an exclusive club around the world, you can wear your Necker or uniform and people will know what you do and the adventures you go on.

Me personally, many memories have been made in scouting, like the little laughs and the big stories, they won’t leave you. And you grow up with them and you have stories to tell for the rest of your life. It’s great to grow up in scouting for the experiences you get that the next person in your class won’t, like an example would be half of my friends have never even slept in a tent or been on a hike, when that now is almost normal for me. You love things you never thought you would love, and try things you never thought you could do.

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Would you like the chance to go camping, climbing, potholing, lead community projects while transforming young people's lives? As a Section Leader you will do all of this and more, using your current skills and learning new ones.

As part of one of the groups leadership team in Caludon District, you will plan and deliver a safe and exciting programme for young people, making sure every young person gets the chance to spend at least one night away each year.

You'll use your energy and creativity to help young people have fun, develop their potential and earn a wide range of badges and awards, including the prestigious Chief Scout Awards. Of course you won't have to do this alone, a team of supporters, and the young people themselves will help you plan and deliver the programme. But it's your enthusiasm and sense of fun and adventure that will inspire them.

Scouting offers fun, friendship and life changing adventure, but this is only made possible by our talented teams of volunteers.


Contact: 0753 993 5121 


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Caludon District Scouts
c/o Rough Close Campsite, Tanners Lane, Coventry, West Midlands, CV7 7DD

Material on this website has been reproduced by permission of The Scout Association

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